Chicago Doesn’t Recycle Their Drinking Water? LakeDance Brings Awareness

LakeDance is a very creative project aimed at building awareness about the Great Lakes water-related problems and helping the Great Lakes re-reverse water flow.

The Great Lakes give drinking water to 40 million people*, a critical oasis for sustained clean water supply.  Remember the post about recycled water from the movie Last Call at the Oasis?  Recycled drinking water is the solution to prevent a water shortage and worldwide water crisis, or “water wars”.

Chicago does not recycle their drinking water.  The reason goes back to history:

Flow: Reversed.  In 1900, under cover of darkness, the City of Chicago completed the digging of a controversial canal that would reverse the flow of the Chicago River to go from its natural outlet into Lake Michigan to be channeled, instead, into the newly dredged drainage canal that emptied south toward the Mississippi River and the Atlantic Ocean….  This was done to salvage Chicago’s drinking water, whose intake was perilously close to a growing river of animal carcasses and human waste!  However, the controversial reversal of the river has devastating implications now as the Asian Carp move north along the Illinois River…


To learn more, and to help with this cause, check out the video on Kickstarter:


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